Deadgood Opening Title Sequence

In this project I worked alone and had to research TV and film idents to get an idea of how idents work, I then had to pick a film ident that and use it as an influence to my title sequence, the film I chose was SuperBad. This shows my ability to research, make decisions, have inspiration/influence from other films, (which is intertextuality) and shows my computer and editing skills to make a project like this.
I also had to find the dancers, (and also used myself), filmed more than enough footage of dancing and used a green screen to dance on to give the silhouette effect, this also shows that I have done something new, (using a green screen) and learnt new effects to use, that can then be used in future projects, it also shows my ability to find actors, me and the dancers stayed back after college to do this which shows commitment, I was also the only one in my class to use the green screen which means I have a new skill that no one else took the opportunity of.
